RFID antennas are sometimes external to the RFID reader and other times the RFID antenna is incorporated into the RFID reader as a single piece solution. Additionally, both low frequency (LF) and ultra-high frequency (UHF) RFID antennas vary in dimension, from smaller than a pencil eraser to as large as a meter square. UHF and LF RFID antennas are specific to certain frequencies and are very much focal in nature, meaning there is a precise area from which the RF signal is emanated, and the RFID antenna and RFID tag need to be orientation specific to each other. Please shop from our RFID antennas selection below, and if you can’t seem to find what you are looking for, contact us today and our staff of RFID experts will be ready to help you find your UHF or LF RFID antenna solution.
125 KHz LF RFID Antennas for R3-1 Standard Systems
SKU 51XX Antennas
These RFID Antennas are deployed external to an RFID Reader and designed to be used with our Model 7000 series R3-1 125 KHz RFID Readers and can also be adapted to other RFID hardware on a custom basis.
125 KHz LF RFID Smart Antenna / Readers for R3-2 Systems
Our LF 125 KHz Smart Antenna products house both the RFID Reader and RFID Antenna into a single housing, available as single piece read point directly outputting serial comminications or networkable up to 32 read points providing CanOpen, Ethernet/IP, DeviceNet, PROFINET, Profibus, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, as well as standard TCPIP Ethernet and serial communications.
These RFID Antennas are deployed external to an RFID Reader and designed to be used with our Model 4000/5000 & 1840/1845 series R3 148 KHz LF RFID Readers.
Our broad UHF Antenna line offers varying sizes as well as dBi from .5 to 12 to fit any range need and are available in circular, vertical or horizontal polarizations.
Need to learn more before you make a decision about which RFID device to purchase? Start here. Our knowledge bank is always growing, so if you still have a question after visiting the resource center, then send us a question and we will add it to the center.