
RFID Tags are used to alert when a machine or conveyor system is overheating, provides positive position referencing for Stacker Reclaimers, and as a collision avoidance solution between vehicles or vehicles and employees. The application of radio frequency identification in the mining industry includes maintaining control of personnel access to mining sites, personal protective equipment, and RFID solutions for tracking explosives.

148 KHz LF RFID Interfaces for R3 Systems

148 KHz LF R3 RFID Interface for R3 Systems

SKU 2000 Series

Our Model 2000 Series of RFID Interfaces are available in 3 versions, the 2002 offers serial communications and is paired with the Model 1840 or 1880 RFID Readers, the 2022 offers serial communications and is paired with the Model 1845 or 1885 RFID Readers, and the 2024 offering true parallel BCD communications is agnostic across all 148 KHz Reader models.

148 KHz LF RFID Antennas for R3 Systems

148 KHz LF RFID Antennas for R3 Systems

SKU 51XX-148

These RFID Antennas are deployed external to an RFID Reader and designed to be used with our Model 4000/5000 & 1840/1845 series R3 148 KHz LF RFID Readers.

433 MHz UHF Active RFID Antennas

433.92 MHz UHF Active RFID Antennas

SKU Models ANT/EXY/WHIP Antennas

ActiveRFID 433 MHz Antennas are externally cabled to RFID Readers to increase read range up to 2000 feet in a directional pattern.

433 MHz UHF Active RFID Tags

433.92 MHz UHF Active RFID Tags

SKU Model AT Tags

ActiveRFID 433 MHz Tags contain a battery and are thus capable of much greater read distances up to 2000′. Two of the four models have replaceable batteries, all of motion sensors to report data should they be moved, and external power wiring to exclude the need for a battery.

915 MHz UHF Temperature Sensing RFID Tags

915 MHz UHF Temperature Sensing RFID Tagsv

SKU Temperature Sensing Tags

RFID Temperature Sensing Tags are applied to assets providing an alarm should an asset like conveyor roller or belt near unacceptable temperature levels.

433 MHz UHF Active RFID Readers

433 MHz UHF Active RFID Readers

SKU Model AR Readers

ActiveRFID 433 MHz Readers have an internal RFID Antenna however external Antennas can be added to increase range. Data protocols include Wiegand, serial, and TCPIP Ethernet as well as Modbus RTU. The handheld RFID Reader included on this line can also act as an RFID Tag locater. Readers also have a range tuning feature.

148 KHz LF RFID Reader & Interface Combos for R3 Systems

148 KHz LF RFID Reader & Interface Combos for R3 Systems

SKU 4000/5000 Series

Our Model 4000/5000 series of 148 KHz Readers incorporates both the serial RFID Interface and RFID Reader components into a single package, needing only an external Model 51xx-148 RFID Antenna to complete the solution.

148 KHz LF Simplex & Multiplex Combo RFID Readers/Antennas for R3 Systems

148 KHz Simplex & Multiplex Combo RFID Reader/Antenna for R3

SKU 1880/1885 Series

Our Model 1880 and 1885 series of LF 148 KHz Readers are designed with the RFID Antenna as a part of its PCB and should also be paired with one of the Model 2002/2022/2024 RFID Interfaces.

148 KHz LF Simplex & Multiplex RFID Readers for R3 Systems

148 KHz LF Simplex and Multiplex RFID Readers for R3 Systems

SKU 1840/1845 Series

Our Model 1840 and 1845 series of LF 148 KHz Readers are designed for use with an external RFID Antenna and should also be paired with one of the Model 2002/2022/2024 RFID Interfaces.

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RFID 101

Need to learn more before you make a decision about which RFID device to purchase? Start here. Our knowledge bank is always growing, so if you still have a question after visiting the resource center, then send us a question and we will add it to the center. 

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RFID, Inc.

14190 E. Jewell Avenue
Suite 4 Aurora, CO 80012


(303) 366-1234
