Manufacturing RFID Systems

RFID Tags are applied to practically every product manufactured today, from apparel and furniture to medical goods, appliances and cars. RFID process control is an integral part of any automated manufacturing system for products on the factory floor. Implementing and utilizing manufacturing RFID systems reduce costs and boost operations on the factory floor, allowing for factory floor managers and workers to focus on the other various important aspects of daily process control management.

To utilize RFID factory tracking tags and readers for manufacturing, many changes have been made over the years to withstand the extreme and punishing operating environments consistent with factory floor processes. These changes to RFID solutions for manufacturing also brought about significant cost reductions as the adoption of RFID tags and readers began to increase exponentially.

What is in stock below is not all the RFID manufacturing systems that RFID Inc. offers. All RFID factory tracking tags are available in multiple options including shape, frequency, and memory. We can assemble any of our products to your custom specifications. Please fill out the form below and let us know what type of RFID process control tag, reader or antenna setup you need, and our technical sales staff will respond quickly, ready to serve you!

125 KHz LF ABS Disc RFID Tags 

125 KHz LF ABS Disc RFID Tags

SKU 1762

ABS RFID Disc Tags of LF 125 KHz are typically applied to pallets or carriers offering varying diameters and center hole for secure attachment.

125 KHz LF Potted Dome Disc RFID Tags

125 KHz LF Potted Dome Disc RFID Tags

SKU 1763

Potted Dome Disc Tags of LF 125 KHz are very hardened and robust, typically used in applications of duress where a rough tough Tag is required to survive. Available with and without sticky backing.

125 KHz LF High Temperature RFID Tags

125 KHz LF High Temperature RFID Tags.

SKU 1772

High Temperature 125 KHz RFID Tags are typically applied to paint curing oven applications or other high temperature processes found on the factory floor or in an industrial identification setting.

125 KHz LF Metal Mount Bar RFID Tags

125 KHz LF Metal Mount Bar RFID Tags.

SKU 1781M

One of our more popular 125 KHz LF RFID Tags for industrial applications is extremely rugged and fully metal mountable, used in anything from pallets on the factory floor to mining applications.

125 KHz LF Tough Thin RFID Tags TTT

125 KHz LF Tough Thin RFID Tags TTT

SKU 1783

This tough thin RFID Tag is made of 2 plastic shells sonically welded together and offers superior read range for an LF 125 KHz RFID Tag due to its stacked coil technology.

125 KHz LF Hockey Puck RFID Tags

125 KHz LF Hockey Puck RFID Tags.

SKU 1786

Our Hockey Puck RFID Tag is one of the work horses of our LF 125 KHz line due to its extremely robust and solid packaging, from identifying baggage at London’s Heathrow Airport for 20 years plus to subzero temperature exposure year-round to being coated with oil and grime in a factory floor fluids operation.

125 KHz LF Deck of Cards RFID Tags

125 KHz LF Deck of Cards RFID Tags.

SKU 1791

Aptly named due to its size, our Deck of Cards LF 125 KHz RFID Tag offers the highest of robust industrial quality and is also capable of being mounted on metal.

125 KHz LF Frisbee RFID Tags

125 KHz LF Frisbee RFID Tags.

SKU 1795

Our Frisbee LF 125 KHz RFID Tag was designed to be as large as possible to maximize read range yet does not sacrifice robust industrial quality.

125 KHz LF Clear Laminate Monster RFID Tags 

125 KHz LF Clear Laminate Monster RFID Tags.

SKU 1796

Our Clear Laminate LF 125 KHz RFID Monster Tags were designed to maximize read range given their size.

125 KHz LF RFID Readers R3-2 Smart Antennas

LF 125 KHz R32 RFID Readers_Smart Antennas

SKU 51xx SA’s

Our LF 125 KHz Smart Antenna products house both the RFID Reader and RFID Antenna into a single housing, available as single piece read point directly outputting serial communications or networkable up to 32 read points providing CanOpen, Ethernet/IP, DeviceNet, PROFINET, Profibus, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, as well as standard TCPIP Ethernet and serial communications.

125 KHz LF RFID Smart Interfaces for R3-2 Systems

LF 125 KHz RFID Interface for R3-2 Smart Antennas

SKU 8000 Series Interfaces

Our Model 8000-SI Series RFID Smart Interfaces are single piece Reader, Interface & Antenna with the PLC communication protocols of Ethernet/IP, DeviceNet, PROFINET, Profibus, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, as well as standard TCPIP Ethernet and serial communications. CanOpen available as well. A larger external Antenna providing greater read range can be cabled as well.

125 KHz LF RFID Accessories – M12 Cabling/Connectors for R3-2 Smart Antennas

LF 125 KHz RFID M12 Cabling Connectors for R3_2

SKU M12 Cabling

M12 Cabling and Connectors are the backbone of a networked trunk line, offering a high-quality robust conduit of linking Smart Antenna RFID Readers together. Cabling is available in custom lengths. M12 T-Connectors provide a secure divert in the trunk line for cabling to another RFID Reader or perhaps a power supply. Terminating resistors are applied at the end of a trunk line keeping power and data transmission integrity.

148 KHz LF RFID Antennas for R3 Systems

148 KHz LF RFID Antennas for R3 Systems

SKU 51xx-148

These RFID Antennas are deployed external to an RFID Reader and designed to be used with our Model 4000/5000 & 1840/1845 series R3 148 KHz LF RFID Readers.

148 KHz LF Simplex & Multiplex RFID Readers for R3 Systems

148 KHz LF Simplex and Multiplex RFID Readers for R3 Systems

SKU 1840/1845 Series

Our Model 1840 and 1845 series of LF 148 KHz Readers are designed for use with an external RFID Antenna and should also be paired with one of the Model 2002/2022/2024 RFID Interfaces.

148 KHz LF Simplex & Multiplex Combo RFID Readers/Antennas for R3 Systems

148 KHz Simplex & Multiplex Combo RFID Reader/Antenna for R3

SKU 1880/1885 Series

Our Model 1880 and 1885 series of LF 148 KHz readers are designed with the RFID antenna as a part of its PCB and should also be paired with one of the Model 2002/2022/2024 RFID Interfaces.

148 KHz LF RFID Interfaces for R3 Systems

148 KHz LF R3 RFID Interface for R3 Systems

SKU 2000 Series

Our Model 2000 Series of RFID Interfaces are available in 3 versions, the 2002 offers serial communications and is paired with the Model 1840 or 1880 RFID Readers, the 2022 offers serial communications and is paired with the Model 1845 or 1885 RFID Readers, and the 2024 offering true parallel BCD communications is agnostic across all 148 KHz Reader models.

148 KHz LF RFID Reader & Interface Combos for R3 Systems

148 KHz LF RFID Reader & Interface Combos for R3 Systems

SKU 4000/5000 Series

Our Model 4000/5000 series of 148 KHz Readers incorporates both the serial RFID Interface and RFID Reader components into a single package, needing only an external Model 51xx-148 RFID Antenna to complete the solution.

915 MHz UHF FR4 High Temperature RFID Tags

915 MHz UHF FR4 High Temperature RFID Tags

SKU FR4 Series Tags

PCB/FR4 RFID Tags UHF 915 MHz offer a low profile and are designed to be applied to assets, servers, pallets or attachment to rigid item, and are adept in surviving high temperature RFID applications.

UHF 915 MHz ABS RFID Pallet Tags

915 MHz UHF ABS Pallet RFID Tags

SKU ABS Series Tags

ABS Disc Tags UHF 915 MHz RFID are typically applied to pallets or carriers.


New to RFID? Start here!

RFID 101

Need to learn more before you make a decision about which RFID device to purchase? Start here. Our knowledge bank is always growing, so if you still have a question after visiting the resource center, then send us a question and we will add it to the center. 

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RFID, Inc.

14190 E. Jewell Avenue
Suite 4 Aurora, CO 80012


(303) 366-1234
