RFID Tags for Consumables

RFID counterfeit protection tags are applied to consumables while an RFID reader is installed into a machine to allow for the verification and confirmation that a 3rd party knockoff or counterfeit is not being attempted. Miniature RFID anti-counterfeit tags are encoded with a readable Electronic Product Code (EPC) so that they can be permanently embedded into products to accurately and quickly identify legitimate products from fake products. By using RFID to track consumables, the unique EPC represents a hidden digital DNA that counterfeiters cannot reproduce.

What is in stock below is not all the RFID consumable tags that RFID Inc. offers. All RFID counterfeit protection tags are available in multiple options including shape, frequency, and memory. We can assemble any of our products to your custom specifications. Please fill out the form below and let us know what type of RFID anti-counterfeit solution you need, and our technical sales staff will respond quickly, ready to serve you!

UHF 915 MHz Model PSL Small Label RFID Tags

915 MHz UHF Model PSL Small Label RFID Tags

SKU Model PSL Tags

Small RFID Label Tags are beneficial for applications with a limited mounting area and are deliverable on roll, sheets, or individually.

UHF 915 MHz Dry and Wet Inlay RFID Tags

915 MHz UHF Dry and Wet Inlay RFID Tags

SKU Models ID/IW Tags

RFID Inlays are defined as either “wet” (with sticking backing) or “dry” (no sticky backing) and are deliverable on roll sheets or individually.

UHF 915 MHz Roll Stock Label RFID Labels

915 MHz UHF Roll Stock Label RFID Labels

SKU Roll Stock Tags

RFID Labels are available as bar code roll stock and can be encoded/printed through a bar code printer.

New to RFID? Start here!

RFID 101

Need to learn more before you make a decision about which RFID device to purchase? Start here. Our knowledge bank is always growing, so if you still have a question after visiting the resource center, then send us a question and we will add it to the center. 

Have a question about our products?

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RFID, Inc.

14190 E. Jewell Avenue
Suite 4 Aurora, CO 80012


(303) 366-1234

