RFID Tags on boxes or pallets offer supply chain visibility as to what location a box left and at which it has arrived. RFID Tags on trains, trucks, and trailers also offer management insight and visibility.
433 MHz UHF Active RFID Tags
SKU Model AT Tags
ActiveRFID 433 MHz Tags contain a battery and are thus capable of much greater read distances up to 2000′. Two of the four models have replaceable batteries, all of motion sensors to report data should they be moved, and external power wiring to exclude the need for a battery.
ActiveRFID 433 MHz Readers have an internal RFID Antenna however external Antennas can be added to increase range. Data protocols include Wiegand, serial, and TCPIP Ethernet as well as Modbus RTU. The handheld RFID Reader included on this line can also act as an RFID Tag locater. Readers also have a range tuning feature.
PVC laminate UHF 915 MHz RFID tags and passes offer an added robust quality while maintaining a thin package. RFID laminate passes and tags are commonly used as employee badges, event credential passes, hanging onto an object and tote or pallet identification. RFID plastic laminate tags are available in stock with or without sticky backing and in a variety of sizes.
SPR/A stands for Single Piece Reader & Antenna, a single package integrating both RFID components and comes USB and Serial communications standard on all models, and further offer standard Ethernet, Profinet, Profibus, Ethernet/IP, Devicenet, Modbus TCP & RTU. Two lines of I/O are also standard. This Reader can also write to RFID Tags and has a range tuning feature.
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