433.92 MHz UHF Active RFID Antennas

Active RFID 433 MHz Antennas are designed for differing read range options.

The Model ANT-CP and ANT-LR as flat panel packages offering 300′ to 600′ of range or the Model ANT-YG series providing up to 2000′ of read range.

433.92 MHz UHF Active RFID Antennas

433.92 MHz UHF Active RFID Antennas

SKU Models ANT/EXY/WHIP Antennas

433 MHz UHF Active RFID Antennas are externally cabled to RFID Readers to increase read range up to 2000 feet.

433.92 MHz UHF Active RFID Starter Kit

433.92 MHz UHF Active RFID Starter Kit


These Starter’s Kits from our Active RFID 433 MHz product line and offer a Reader with internal Antenna or an expanded kit with external Antenna, a variety of Tags to suit, power supply and necessary cabling.

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RFID, Inc.

14190 E. Jewell Avenue
Suite 4 Aurora, CO 80012


(303) 366-1234

