148 KHz LF R3 RFID Readers

R3 LF 148 KHz RFID Readers are available as dedicated or networkable, stand alone or combining the Antenna or Interface.

148 KHz LF Simplex and Multiplex RFID Readers for R3 Systems

148 KHz LF Simples and Multiplex RFID Readers for R3 Systems

SKU 1840/1845 Series

Our Model 1840 and 1845 series of LF 148 KHz Readers are designed for use with an external RFID Antenna and should also be paired with one of the Model 2002/2022/2024 RFID Interfaces.

148 KHz LF RFID Reader & Interface Combos for R3 Systems

148 KHz LF RFID Reader & Interface Combos for R3 Systems

SKU 4000/5000 Series

Our Model 4000/5000 series of 148 KHz Readers incorporates both the serial RFID Interface and RFID Reader components into a single package, needing only an external Model 51xx-148 RFID Antenna to complete the solution.

148 KHz LF RFID Desktop Programmer for R3 Systems

148 KHz LF RFID Desktop Programmer for R3 Systems

SKU 3039E-R3 Series

This LF 148 KHz Desktop Programmer is a convenient tool for programming RFID Tags easily, powered via USB. No software or future updates of software is required no matter the OS on your PC as this unit needs only a terminal program like HyperTerminal or Terraterm. RFID, Inc. also offers a free terminal program of its own.

148 KHz LF Handheld RFID Readers & Programmers for R3 Systems

148 KHz LF Handheld RFID Readers & Programmers for R3 Systems

SKU 3036E-R3 Series

Convenient for testing Tags or used has a handheld LF 148 KHz RFID Tag Programmer, our Model 3036E-148 is easy to use with a single page set of instructions. Again, no software necessary with this self-operating unit.

New to RFID? Start here!

RFID 101

Need to learn more before you make a decision about which RFID device to purchase? Start here. Our knowledge bank is always growing, so if you still have a question after visiting the resource center, then send us a question and we will add it to the center. 

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RFID, Inc.

14190 E. Jewell Avenue
Suite 4 Aurora, CO 80012


(303) 366-1234

